Mike Joffe (@joffeorama) is currently working towards his master degree in Bar Harbor, Maine. This generally involves designing games, making puppets and catching salamanders. Thank goodness for hippie schools. He writes about games on his personal blog, Video Games of the Oppressed and is currently working on games to communicate issues of ecology and ethnobotany.

Website: http://videogamesoftheoppressed.wordpress.com/

Improv Games

“Yes, and” are the two most-important words in improvisation. They also sum up the nonbinary nature of play and winning in improv games. Image by: Faruk Ates (CC) In Games for Actors and Non-Actors, Brazilian play-write, actor and activist Augusto…

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Invisible Tactics

How can conflicting narratives within a story hold equal validity? Mike Joffe explores this through Final Fantasy Tactics.

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