Deciding History

Mattie Brice finds that creating history and storytelling are strikingly similar processes. Here, she introduces Microscope, a tabletop RPG that has you play as a historian.
Read moreMattie Brice finds that creating history and storytelling are strikingly similar processes. Here, she introduces Microscope, a tabletop RPG that has you play as a historian.
Read moreShould we care when our action hero avatars suffer? Brendan Keogh argues that we should – and that great action games represent that suffering.
Read moreIn her first re/Action article, Maddy Myers describes finding Samus Aran in 2007 through Metroid Prime 3… during a difficult time for both.
Read moreEditor in Chief Mattie Brice has a re/Action to the state of games journalism.
Read moreCrossing the street can be an act of survival. Lana Polansky describes how Hey Baby makes this point crystal clear.
Read moreAnalogue: A Hate Story explores themes of storytelling and moral ambiguity through a pair of AI competing to tell their version of history. Denis Farr discusses the survival of history through stories… and through the storytellers.
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